A journey back to your natural infinite eternal boundless being.

Awakening is happening

here & now. It’s right, right here!

All is one. Not two. There is seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, and thoughts/emotions. Senses are made of pure impersonal being and light.

There is no separation. Nothing is separate. The separation is an illusion. You are unconditionally here and now, and what’s happening is all there is. What happens, happens, and there’s no one in charge.

In this case, the perception of these words made into an apparent message is all there is right now. All is perfect and whole, and this was always already complete.

Just like an apple that was separated from its mother tree, it’s still complete. Form is always changing and yet always complete.

It’s a dream dreaming by itself, lost amid fabricated words and identification with the mind.

All there is, is God’s ecstatic canvas. You are the canvas, not the painting. You are the ocean, not the drops.

It’s a beautiful life. Welcome home!

With love,
